Thursday 7 January 2016

Content Marketing Trends in 2016 By Tim McCallan

It’s just a few days to go before the New Year comes in. As time goes by, changes are about to take place in nearly everything. In the world of business, there are different hot trends people expect to observe in each year and there are some new content marketing trends that are expected to dominate in 2016. The following are the most expected content marketing trends for the whole year 2016.

More Personalized as well as Valuable Posts

The value of a great article is the one that sets it apart from the mediocre one. Those articles that discuss the same topics and keywords are vast, so it is a must to make your posts different from the rest. One of the most important skills that you should start to develop right now is the capability to make personalized posts which would compel the readers to stay and read the article completely instead of simply reading some lines of it.

The question is, “how will you be able to make that happen?” This is pretty much straightforward. What you should do is to write something that shows you are trying to talk privately with your target audience. While the tastes of audiences have become discerning, you should be capable of setting your article’s tone to make it more centered and engaging on what people want and on what they require.

Freebies are Now with Their Life Expectancy Rates

Limited offers, as well as those limited no-obligation access, are only a few of the greatest reasons for people to sign up on a website. While it may convert into sales in the future as soon as the consumers reach the cessation of their free trial subscription, it must be a marketing strategy which would lose its significance. What is the reason for that? It’s simple.

Social media platforms are currently asking people to pay when they need access to other important information and features they would like to use. Say, for instance, LinkedIn permits only those premium or paying members to gain complete access to their website. Even Tim McCallan Facebook and Tim McCallan YouTube ask for charges when people want to make use of the supplementary key features their platform offers. All those social media platforms would search for great ways of monetizing their business. As a content marketer, it has to be your marketing technique so that your brand will remain relevant.

Email Marketing Would Gain More Importance

Email marketing isn’t dead yet like what some experts predicted a few years ago. As a matter of fact, this would never lose the relevance it has for the reason that more than 90 percent of consumers do have an email address and make use of it regularly. Ninety percent of people choose to get offers regarding special deals, updates and discounts on their inboxes instead on their accounts on Facebook. In 2016, you have to attempt updating your email list and look for the best automation software which can assist you and come up with the strategy which is focused on taking advantage of email marketing.

Mobile Marketing Would Become More Famous

Instead of laptops and desktop computers, people mostly use their smartphones in browsing the internet. This trend has been predicted to increase until the year 2016. Businesses are advised to update their websites and ensure that their sites can be viewed and accessed through mobile phones.

These are just some of the most popular content marketing trends for 2016. There were many trends that come and go while others have remained relevant over the years. Since these are all predictions, it’s still important to take note and pursue those proven techniques used in the past.

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